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For further questions on enroling your child into our program or licensing our curriculum, please contact us via telelphone at 510-364-4033 or email:

Our development and recording studio is located at: 2220 Peralta Blvd, Fremont CA 94536 - by appointment only.



"Your videos from the Shining Star Competition are simply amazing and impressive. I also wanted to tell you that the public speaking class we put Shreya in last year along with the opportunity at the Gandhi Jayanthi event in Milpitas are all helping Shreya immensely - Shreya has a speech class in Challenger since she was in Kindergarten where she did okay but we have personally observed that since she went to the public speaking classes at Genius Kids she has been scoring really high in her speech - I mean consistently she has been getting 100% - the lowest we saw was 98% - I asked her how come she is scoring so high now than before where she was in late 80s and she said - mom, I keep remembering the little pointers my teacher at Genius Kids taught me- so THANK YOU so much for offering these classes - they are definitely build to improve a kids performance - something so rarely offered by anyone else - this is definitely your competitive advantage - no one can touch your public speaking course - kudos on creating it."

- Madhuri, Union City CA
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