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Our Recipes

Our Recipes


Our lessons are referred to as TLC Recipes - where children from ages 3-10 learn to Think, Lead and Communicate. Our curriculum has been written by Rennu Dhillon, who has received global and national awards for her dedication to education.

The Win With Words curriculum has been designed around around six  stages of development, to build a foundation for kids to master communication skills & confidence under the care of our nurturing team. Each Level of the curriculum targets a specific age group and is taught systematically developing the softs skills while embracing topics from Science, History, Literature, Social Studies, Moral Education, Character and Fables from around the world. We are constantly developing new lessons and programs.

Each series of recipes are modules of 8-12 classes. We operate on a school calendar, the first session commencing in September every year with an introduction to public speaking & the tools and techniques needed. This is a mandatory session required to be attended by any child who wishes to master the actual skills of public speaking. The balance of the year is themed where every week students master various styles of speech delivery and public speaking, depending on their age groups. Watch our prodigies deliver their speeches with confidence at our video gallery:

Our TLC Levels include:

Never 2 Little 2 Speak - Beginner Level - Ages 2-3 (Preschool Level)

Level 1 - Little Leaders - PreK - Ages 4-5
Level 2 - Leaders in the Making - Grades 1-2
Level 3- Future Leaders 1 - Grades 3-4
Level 4- Future Leaders 2 - Grades 5-6
Level 5- Orators in the Making - Grades 7-9 - In progress

Like any form of art, public speaking and effective communication is not taught in a day but a series of lessons developing the necessary traits and personality to become a powerful speaker. Each Level has different modules and the modules are NOT repeated during the course of 2 years.

Throughout their lives kids will have to communicate, persuade and present to other people, both professionally and socially. Many adults clam up when required to do such a thing, especially in front of audiences. But if you encourage your child to learn the many skills required for effective public speaking and presentations from a young age, and you make it fun, they will grow up to be confident communicators who can make a difference to their environment by using the right words at the right times to get the right things done.

Using fun games, activities, both hands on and written, children will begin to master the necessary skills to become Powerful Speakers, Presenters and Persuaders.

We believe the future of the world lies in the hands of our children. We believe that every child has the right:

  • To be loved, cherished, and supported
  • To be treated with respect and dignity
  • To receive responsible care and to be handled with kindness
  • To be encouraged and nurtured emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually
  • To have their physical needs adequately met.
  • To receive a good education that provides competence and empowers them to be self-sufficient
  • To be taught good values and morals to guide them in life
  • To learn about personal love and care for them
  • To be taught boundaries and self-discipline
  • To be empowered to realize their full potential
  • To be prepared for the responsibilities and challenges of adulthood
  • To develop their individuality
  • To be treated fairly and justly, without discrimination
  • To be in a safe environment; to be protected from harm and danger


"If there was to be only one noticeable fact in Chloe, it is that your GKs program develops the kids personality and increase tenfold confidence in themselves. Chloe is influenced by your leadership, which is exciting and that I take very positively. Congratulations and Best regards!"

- Stephane LeFrere, Fremont CA
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