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See the difference in your child after they enroll in WIN WITH WORDS curriculum. Results have shown that children begin to listen, think, and have the ability to follow directions better and take tests better. You will notice am improvement in self esteem, class participation, clear communication, pronunciation, academic achievement, stronger memory, enhanced reading skills, recollection of details, comprehension, vocabulary, humor and personality.


Win With Words is a curriculum developed and conceptualized by Rennu Dhillon DSc., the founder of Genius Kids Inc. ( and Genius Kids Development.
Dhillon has applied the advances in neuroscience, cognitive research and accelerated learning techniques, together with interactive, multimedia and high technology to develop unique award winning lessons for children of all ages. Her lessons have proven to be very successful in teaching children as young as 2.3 years old to become fluent, emergent readers and speakers. The highly effective curriculum is the curriculum taught at her multiple learning centers, Genius Kids, and testimonials have shown how effective her program has proven for creating a fun learning environment for lifelong success

Who is behind the development of Win With Words Online?

Miss. Rennu Online is the brain child of the founder, Rennu Dhillon. She has devoted the last 18 years in the field of early education and early intervention, focusing on producing a highly effective, award winning curriculum to develop focus, attention, auditory, language, communication, early phonics & reading skills in young children using interactive, multimedia technology. All her lessons, stories and worksheets have been carefully created and storyboarded herself, with hours of research and testing in the classrooms. Rennu's award winning curriculum was a finalist in the 2009 American Business Awards for "Most Creative Professional". Dhillon has been recognized for her contribution and devotion to early education and received "Outstanding 50 Asian American in Business 2009". Genius Kids learning centers have won several awards & been featured on She is the founder of the national franchise Genius Kids and now the Win With Words License Program. She is invited worldwide as a motivaltional speaker and emcee for many events, including the House of Lords in London, UK.

What is Win With Words Online Curriculum?

Our curriculum consists of a full range of lessons for public speaking and communication develoopment, for all ages from 2 years old all the way to 12 years old. Lessons include interactive, multimedia learning, hands on written worksheets,  audio stories, videos and poems etc. The lessons have been formatted into an online learning program where licensees from around the world can access and teach students at their centers.

How will children benefit?

Children will develop a love for learning, and begin to excel academically and socially. They will develop confidence and communication skills, which will help your child thrive in the classroom, academically, personally and socially.

How much do the lessons and materials cost?

The license is an annual fee of $6,000 (US dollars). There are no on-going royalty fees charged and you can teach as many children, or have mutilple classrooms as long as we have on static IP address to deliver the lessons to. There is an annual adminstrative fee of $600.00 (US dollars) which maintains your online account where new curriculum for each age group for 12 months. We offer other options to include a 3 or 5 year license at negotiated rates. 

How long is my license for?

Your license fee is an annual fee since curriculum is always updated as we develop new programs.

How long will it take me to see a difference in my students?

Many parents will notice a variety of improvements in their child in as little as two weeks (memory, attention, focus, self-esteem etc), and the confidence and public speaking skills develop within 4 sessions as long as the student completes their weekly assignments.

How and when can I join as a licensee for WIN WITH WORDS?

As soon as you are approved and have completed the formalities. The whole process takes about 30 days depending on how efficient you are in providing up the necessary information to qualify you.

 Can I try Win With Words online before I purchase any material?

Yes. We can create a FREE DEMO account for you to view the FREE lessons for 3 days.  Please read hundreds of success stories at the testimonial pages at Win With Words, and watch our videos.

Are there any refunds if I wish to cancel my service?

Once a license is purchased, there are no refunds or prorated amounts whatsoever. NO EXCEPTIONS. There are no refunds on adminstrative fees.

Will my computer be able to run the Win With Words lessons?

Most recent computer or iPad will be able to run our programs. WIn With Words online learning programs are delivered directly over the web.? A DSL or faster broadband speed is recommended. Win With Words  Online lessons and site works on most browsers. Win With Words Online lessons are html5 based  or videos mp4 format. All formats can be viewed from an iPads. You are responsible for making sure that you have adequate equipment and software to use the Win With Words Online lessons before you purchase any lessons or materials.
What should I do if I have trouble logging in?

Contact us and we will assist you. Your account is linked to a static IP address, so be sure that is in place first.

If I have still have trouble or need technical assistance, how do I contact someone? Please send us an email to or call 510-364-4033 (Business Hours 9 am - 6pm PST).

Thank you for your support,
Rennu Dhillon DSc.
Win With Words,
2220 Peralta Blvd,
Fremont CA 94536



"Your Genius Kid received a lesson on civics, and freedom of speech/civil disobedience this morning. Vishvanath, countered the protesters, on his on accord, by writing his message. We can shackle a young mind with an opinion. Thanks for providing Vishvanath with the tools to help him express his thoughts through written and oral communication. Freedom of Speech"

- Rashmita Sriram
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